Si usted esta interesado en una evaluacion gratis de su casa (propiedad), y precualificacion, reajustamiento de el contrato de prestamo, compra y venta de casas (propiedad). Alexis S. Guevara is at your service. Por favor chequee mi otras paginas de internet, y tambien puede usar los contactos de abajo:
(If you are interested in a free evaluation of your property and precalification, loan adjustment modification, buying and listing your property for sale, Alexis S. Guevara is at your service. Please check my other blogs for more information, or you can the contact bellow:)
Real Estate Lic.#01439997
Cell: 323-552-6470
office: 562-677-1516
Fax: 562-868-1425
(If you are interested in a free evaluation of your property and precalification, loan adjustment modification, buying and listing your property for sale, Alexis S. Guevara is at your service. Please check my other blogs for more information, or you can the contact bellow:)
Real Estate Lic.#01439997
Cell: 323-552-6470
office: 562-677-1516
Fax: 562-868-1425
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